
Prerequisites requires Python 3.5 or higher. Dependencies are installed automatically when installing the package.

However, since it uses lxml for parsing, on Linux you may require to install libxml on your system.

sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-dev

Windows users are usually safe from this. For more information check out lxml installation page .

Installation can be installed from PyPi using:

python -m pip install


This library only performs parsing, to fetch content you need to use external libraries.

The main models have a get_url/get_url_tibiadata method that can be used to get their page. With the url, the html/json content can be fetched and then passed to their from_content/from_tibiadata methods.

import aiohttp
import requests
import tibiapy

# Asynchronously
async def get_character(name):
   url = tibiapy.Character.get_url(name)

      async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
         async with session.get(url) as resp:
            content = await resp.text()
   character = tibiapy.Character.from_content(content)
   return character

# Synchronously
def get_character_sync(name):
   url = tibiapy.Character.get_url(name)

   r = requests.get(url)
   content = r.text
   character = tibiapy.Character.from_content(content)
   return character