Source code for tibiapy.guild

import datetime
import json
import re
import urllib.parse
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional, List

import bs4

from . import abc, InvalidContent, GUILD_LIST_URL
from .const import GUILD_URL
from .utils import parse_tibia_date


founded_regex = re.compile(r'(?P<desc>.*)The guild was founded on (?P<world>\w+) on (?P<date>[^.]+)\.\nIt is (?P<status>[^.]+).',
applications_regex = re.compile(r'Guild is (\w+) for applications\.')
homepage_regex = re.compile(r'The official homepage is at ([\w.]+)\.')
guildhall_regex = re.compile(r'Their home on \w+ is (?P<name>[^.]+). The rent is paid until (?P<date>[^.]+)')
disband_regex = re.compile(r'It will be disbanded on (\w+\s\d+\s\d+)\s([^.]+).')
title_regex = re.compile(r'([\w\s]+)\s\(([^)]+)\)')

[docs]class Guild: """ Represents a Tibia guild. Attributes ------------ name: :class:`str` The name of the guild. Names are case sensitive. logo_url: :class:`str` The URL to the guild's logo. description: Optional[:class:`str`] The description of the guild. world: :class:`str` The world where this guild is in. founded: :class:`` The day the guild was founded. active: :class:`bool` Whether the guild is active or still in formation. guildhall: Optional[:class:`dict`] The guild's guildhall. open_applications: :class:`bool` Whether applications are open or not. disband_condition: Optional[:class:`str`] The reason why the guild will get disbanded. disband_date: Optional[:class:`str`] The date when the guild will be disbanded if the condition hasn't been meet. homepage: :class:`str` The guild's homepage members: List[:class:`GuildMember`] List of guild members. invites: List[:class:`GuildInvite`] List of invited characters. """ __slots__ = ("name", "logo_url", "description", "world", "founded", "active", "guildhall", "open_applications", "disband_condition", "disband_date", "homepage", "members", "invites") def __init__(self, name=None, world=None,**kwargs): = name = world self.logo_url = kwargs.get("logo_url") self.description = kwargs.get("description") _founded = kwargs.get("founded") if isinstance(_founded, datetime.datetime): self.founded = elif isinstance(_founded, self.founded = _founded elif isinstance(_founded, str): self.founded = parse_tibia_date(_founded) else: self.founded = None = kwargs.get("active", False) self.guildhall = kwargs.get("guildhall") self.open_applications = kwargs.get("open_applications", False) self.disband_condition = kwargs.get("disband_condition") self.disband_date = kwargs.get("disband_date") self.homepage = kwargs.get("homepage") self.members = kwargs.get("members", []) self.invites = kwargs.get("invites", []) def __repr__(self) -> str: attributes = "" for attr in self.__slots__: if attr in ["name"]: continue v = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(v, int) and v == 0 and not isinstance(v, bool): continue if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 0: continue if v is None: continue attributes += ",%s=%r" % (attr, v) return "{0.__class__.__name__}({!r}{1}".format(self, attributes) @property def member_count(self): """:class:`int`: The number of members in the guild.""" return len(self.members) @property def online_members(self): """List[:class:`GuildMember`]: List of currently online members.""" return list(filter(lambda m:, self.members)) @property def ranks(self): """List[:class:`str`]: Ranks in their hierarchical order.""" return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys((m.rank for m in self.members))) @property def url(self): """:class:`str`: The URL to the guild's information page.""" return GUILD_URL + urllib.parse.quote('iso-8859-1')) @staticmethod def _beautiful_soup(content): """ Parses HTML content into a BeautifulSoup object. Parameters ---------- content: :class:`str` The HTML content. Returns ------- :class:`bs4.BeautifulSoup` The parsed content. """ return bs4.BeautifulSoup(content.replace('ISO-8859-1', 'utf-8'), 'lxml', parse_only=bs4.SoupStrainer("div", class_="BoxContent")) @staticmethod def _parse(content): """ Parses the guild's page HTML content into a dictionary. Parameters ---------- content: :class:`str` The HTML content of the guild's page. Returns ------- :class:`dict[str, Any]` A dictionary containing all the guild's information. """ if "An internal error has occurred" in content: return {} parsed_content = Guild._beautiful_soup(content) guild = {} if not Guild._parse_guild_logo(guild, parsed_content): return {} Guild._parse_guild_name(guild, parsed_content) info_container = parsed_content.find("div", id="GuildInformationContainer") Guild._parse_guild_info(guild, info_container) Guild._parse_guild_applications(guild, info_container) Guild._parse_guild_homepage(guild, info_container) Guild._parse_guild_guildhall(guild, info_container) Guild._parse_guild_disband_info(guild, info_container) Guild._parse_guild_members(guild, parsed_content) return guild @staticmethod def _parse_current_member(guild, previous_rank, values): """ Parses the column texts of a member row into a member dictionary. Parameters ---------- guild: :class:`dict`[str, Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. previous_rank: :class:`dict`[int, str] The last rank present in the rows. values: tuple[:class:`str`] A list of row contents. """ rank, name, vocation, level, joined, status = values rank = previous_rank[1] if rank == " " else rank previous_rank[1] = rank m = title_regex.match(name) if m: name = title = else: title = None guild["members"].append({ "rank": rank, "name": name, "title": title, "vocation": vocation, "level": int(level), "joined": joined, "online": status == "online" }) @staticmethod def _parse_guild_applications(guild, info_container): """ Parses the guild's application info. Parameters ---------- guild: :class:`dict`[str, Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. info_container: :class:`bs4.Tag` The parsed content of the information container. """ m = if m: guild["open_applications"] = == "opened" @staticmethod def _parse_guild_disband_info(guild, info_container): """ Parses the guild's disband info, if available. Parameters ---------- guild: :class:`dict`[str, Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. info_container: :class:`bs4.Tag` The parsed content of the information container. """ m = if m: guild["disband_condition"] = guild["disband_date"] ="\xa0", " ") else: guild["disband_condition"] = None guild["disband_date"] = None @staticmethod def _parse_guild_guildhall(guild, info_container): """ Parses the guild's guildhall info. Parameters ---------- guild: :class:`dict`[str, Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. info_container: :class:`bs4.Tag` The parsed content of the information container. """ m = if m: guild["guildhall"] = {"name":"name"), "paid_until":"date").replace("\xa0", " ")} else: guild["guildhall"] = None @staticmethod def _parse_guild_homepage(guild, info_container): """ Parses the guild's homepage info. Parameters ---------- guild: :class:`dict`[str, Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. info_container: :class:`bs4.Tag` The parsed content of the information container. """ m = if m: guild["homepage"] = else: guild["homepage"] = None @staticmethod def _parse_guild_info(guild, info_container): """ Parses the guild's general information. Parameters ---------- guild: :class:`dict`[str, Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. info_container: :class:`bs4.Tag` The parsed content of the information container. """ m = if m: description ="desc").strip() guild["description"] = description if description else None guild["world"] ="world") guild["founded"] ="date").replace("\xa0", " ") guild["active"] = "currently active" in"status") @staticmethod def _parse_guild_list(content, active_only=False): """ Parses the contents of a world's guild list page. Parameters ---------- content: :class:`str` The HTML content of the page. active_only: :class:`bool` Whether to only show active guilds. Returns ------- List[:class:`dict`[str, Any]] A list of guild dictionaries. """ parsed_content = Guild._beautiful_soup(content) selected_world = parsed_content.find('option', selected=True) try: if "choose world" in selected_world.text: return None world = selected_world.text except AttributeError: raise InvalidContent("Content does not belong to world guild list.") containers = parsed_content.find_all('div', class_="TableContainer") try: # First TableContainer contains world selector. containers = containers[1:] except IndexError: raise InvalidContent("Content does not belong to world guild list.") guilds = [] for container in containers: header = container.find('div', class_="Text") active = "Active" in header.text if active_only and not active: return guilds rows = container.find_all("tr", {'bgcolor': ["#D4C0A1", "#F1E0C6"]}) for row in rows: columns = row.find_all('td') if columns[0].text == "Logo": continue logo_img = columns[0].find('img')["src"] description_lines = columns[1].get_text("\n").split("\n", 1) name = description_lines[0] description = None if len(description_lines) > 1: description = description_lines[1].replace("\r","").replace("\n"," ") guilds.append({"logo_url": logo_img, "name": name, "description": description, "active": active, "world": world}) return guilds @staticmethod def _parse_guild_logo(guild, parsed_content): """ Parses the guild's logo. Parameters ---------- guild: :class:`dict`[str, Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. parsed_content: :class:`bs4.Tag` The parsed content of the page. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether the logo was found or not. """ logo_img = parsed_content.find('img', {'height': '64'}) if logo_img is None: return False guild["logo_url"] = logo_img["src"] return True @staticmethod def _parse_guild_members(guild, parsed_content): """ Parses the guild's member and invited list. Parameters ---------- guild: :class:`dict`[str, Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. parsed_content: :class:`bs4.Tag` The parsed content of the guild's page """ member_rows = parsed_content.find_all("tr", {'bgcolor': ["#D4C0A1", "#F1E0C6"]}) guild["members"] = [] guild["invites"] = [] previous_rank = {} for row in member_rows: columns = row.find_all('td') values = tuple(c.text.replace("\u00a0", " ") for c in columns) if len(columns) == COLS_GUILD_MEMBER: Guild._parse_current_member(guild, previous_rank, values) if len(columns) == COLS_INVITED_MEMBER: Guild._parse_invited_member(guild, values) @staticmethod def _parse_guild_name(guild, parsed_content): """ Parses the guild's name. Parameters ---------- guild: :class:`dict`[str, Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. parsed_content: :class:`bs4.Tag` The parsed content of guild's page. """ header = parsed_content.find('h1') guild["name"] = header.text @staticmethod def _parse_invited_member(guild, values): """ Parses the column texts of an invited row into a invited dictionary. Parameters ---------- guild: :class:`dict`[str, Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. values: tuple[:class:`str`] A list of row contents. """ name, date = values if date != "Invitation Date": guild["invites"].append({ "name": name, "date": date })
[docs] @staticmethod def list_from_content(content, active_only=False): """ Gets a list of guilds from the html content of the world guilds' page. The :class:`Guild` objects in the list only contain the attributes: :attr:`name`, :attr:`logo_url`, :attr:`world` and if available, :attr:`description` Parameters ---------- content: :class:`str` The html content of the page. active_only: :class:`bool` Whether to only show active guilds or not. Returns ------- List[:class:`Guild`] List of guilds in the current world. """ guild_list = Guild._parse_guild_list(content, active_only) return [Guild(**g) for g in guild_list]
[docs] @staticmethod def from_content(content) -> Optional['Guild']: """Creates an instance of the class from the html content of the guild's page. Parameters ----------- content: :class:`str` The HTML content of the page. Returns ---------- Optional[:class:`Guild`] The guild contained in the page or None if it doesn't exist. """ guild_json = Guild._parse(content) if not guild_json: return None members = [] for member in guild_json["members"]: members.append(GuildMember(**member)) guild_json["members"] = members invites = [] for invite in guild_json["invites"]: invites.append(GuildInvite(**invite)) guild_json["invites"] = invites guild = Guild(**guild_json) return guild
[docs] @staticmethod def get_url(name): """Gets the URL for a given guild name. Parameters ------------ name: :class:`str` The name of the guild Returns -------- :class:`str` The URL to the guild's page""" return GUILD_URL + urllib.parse.quote(name.encode('iso-8859-1'))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_world_list_url(world): """Gets the URL for the guild section of a specific world. Parameters ---------- world: :class:`str` The name of the world Returns ------- :class:`str` The URL to the guild's page """ return GUILD_LIST_URL + urllib.parse.quote(world.title().encode('iso-8859-1'))
[docs] @staticmethod def json_list_from_content(content, active_only=False, indent=None): """ Creates a JSON string from the html content of the world guilds' page. Parameters ---------- content: :class:`str` The html content of the page. active_only: :class:`bool` Whether to only show active guilds or not. indent: :class:`int` The number of spaces to indent the output with. Returns ------- :class:`str` A string in JSON format. """ list_json = Guild._parse_guild_list(content, active_only) return json.dumps(list_json, indent=indent)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_to_json(content, indent=None): """Creates a JSON string from the html content of the guild's page. Parameters ------------- content: :class:`str` The HTML content of the page. indent: :class:`int` The number of spaces to indent the output with. Returns ------------ :class:`str` A string in JSON format. """ char_dict = Guild._parse(content) return json.dumps(char_dict, indent=indent)
[docs]class GuildMember(abc.Character): """ Represents a guild member. Attributes -------------- rank: :class:`str` The rank the member belongs to name: :class:`str` The name of the guild member. title: Optional[:class:`str`] The member's title. level: :class:`int` The member's level. vocation: :class:`str` The member's vocation. joined: :class:`` The day the member joined the guild. online: :class:`bool` Whether the member is online or not. """ __slots__ = ("name", "rank", "title", "level", "vocation", "joined", "online") def __init__(self, name=None, rank=None, title=None, level=0, vocation=None, joined=None, online=False): = name self.rank = rank self.title = title self.vocation = vocation self.level = level self.joined = joined = online if isinstance(joined, datetime.datetime): self.joined = elif isinstance(joined, self.joined = joined elif isinstance(joined, str): self.joined = parse_tibia_date(joined) else: self.joined = None
[docs]class GuildInvite(abc.Character): """Represents an invited character Attributes ------------ name: :class:`str` The name of the character date: :class:`` The day when the character was invited. """ __slots__ = ("date", ) def __init__(self, name=None, date=None): = name if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): = elif isinstance(date, = date elif isinstance(date, str): = parse_tibia_date(date) else: = None