Source code for tibiapy.character

import datetime
import json
import re
import urllib.parse
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional, List

import bs4

from . import abc
from .const import CHARACTER_URL
from .utils import parse_tibia_datetime

deleted_regexp = re.compile(r'([^,]+), will be deleted at (.*)')
# Extracts the death's level and killers.
death_regexp = re.compile(r'Level (?P<level>\d+) by (?P<killers>.*)\.</td>')
# From the killers list, filters out the assists.
death_assisted = re.compile(r'(?P<killers>.+)\.<br/>Assisted by (?P<assists>.+)')
# From a killer entry, extracts the summoned creature
death_summon = re.compile(r'(?P<summon>.+) of <a[^>]+>(?P<name>[^<]+)</a>')
# Extracts the contents of a tag
link_content = re.compile(r'>([^<]+)<')

house_regexp = re.compile(r'paid until (.*)')
guild_regexp = re.compile(r'([\s\w]+)\sof the\s(.+)')

[docs]class Character(abc.Character): """Represents a Tibia character Attributes --------------- name: :class:`str` The name of the character. deletion_date: Optional[:class:`datetime.datetime`] The date where the character will be deleted if it is scheduled for deletion. former_names: List[:class:`str`] Previous names of this character. sex: :class:`str` The character's gender, either "male" or "female" vocation: :class:`str` The character's vocation. level: :class:`int` The character's level. achievement_points: :class:`int` The total of points the character has. world: :class:`str` The character's current world former_world: Optional[:class:`str`] The previous world where the character was in, in the last 6 months. residence: :class:`str` The current hometown of the character. married_to: Optional[:class:`str`] The name of the character's spouse/husband. house: Optional[:class:`dict`] The house currently owned by the character. guild_membership: Optional[:class:`dict`] The guild the character is a member of. The dictionary contains a key for the rank and a key for the name. last_login: Optional[:class:`datetime.datetime`] The last time the character logged in. It will be None if the character has never logged in. comment: Optional[:class:`str`] The displayed comment. account_status: :class:`str` Whether the character's account is Premium or Free. achievements: List[:class:`dict`] The achievements chosen to be displayed. deaths: List[:class:`Death`] The character's recent deaths. account_information: :class:`dict` The character's account information, if visible. other_characters: List[:class:`OtherCharacter`] Other characters in the same account, if visible. """ __slots__ = ("former_names", "sex", "vocation", "level", "achievement_points", "world", "former_world", "residence", "married_to", "house", "guild_membership", "last_login", "account_status", "comment", "achievements", "deaths", "account_information", "other_characters", "deletion_date") def __init__(self, name=None, world=None, vocation=None, level=0, sex=None, **kwargs): = name self.former_names = kwargs.get("former_names", []) = sex self.vocation = vocation self.level = level self.achievement_points = kwargs.get("achievement_points", 0) = world self.former_world = kwargs.get("former_world") self.residence = kwargs.get("residence") self.married_to = kwargs.get("married_to") = kwargs.get("house") self.guild_membership = kwargs.get("guild_membership") self.last_login = kwargs.get("last_login") self.account_status = kwargs.get("account_status") self.comment = kwargs.get("comment") self.achievements = kwargs.get("achievements",[]) self.deaths = kwargs.get("deaths", []) self.account_information = kwargs.get("account_information") self.other_characters = kwargs.get("other_characters", []) self.deletion_date = kwargs.get("deletion_date") @property def guild_name(self): """Optional[:class:`str`]: The name of the guild the character belongs to, or `None`.""" return self.guild_membership["guild"] if self.guild_membership else None @property def guild_rank(self): """Optional[:class:`str`]: The character's rank in the guild they belong to, or `None`.""" return self.guild_membership["rank"] if self.guild_membership else None @staticmethod def _beautiful_soup(content): """ Parses HTML content into a BeautifulSoup object. Parameters ---------- content: :class:`str` The HTML content. Returns ------- :class:`bs4.BeautifulSoup`: The parsed content. """ return bs4.BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser', parse_only=bs4.SoupStrainer("div", class_="BoxContent")) @staticmethod def _parse(content): """ Parses the character's page HTML content into a dictionary. Parameters ---------- content: :class:`str` The HTML content of the character's page. Returns ------- :class:`dict[str, Any]` A dictionary containing all the character's information. """ parsed_content = Character._beautiful_soup(content) tables = Character._parse_tables(parsed_content) char = {} if "Character Information" in tables.keys(): Character._parse_character_information(char, tables["Character Information"]) else: return {} Character._parse_achievements(char, tables.get("Account Achievements", [])) Character._parse_deaths(char, tables.get("Character Deaths", [])) Character._parse_account_information(char, tables.get("Account Information", [])) Character._parse_other_characters(char, tables.get("Characters", [])) return char @staticmethod def _parse_account_information(char, rows): """ Parses the character's account information Parameters ---------- char: :class:`dict`[str,Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. rows: List[:class:`bs4.Tag`] A list of all rows contained in the table. """ char["account_information"] = {} for row in rows: cols_raw = row.find_all('td') cols = [ele.text.strip() for ele in cols_raw] field, value = cols field = field.replace("\xa0", "_").replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "").lower() value = value.replace("\xa0", " ") char["account_information"][field] = value @staticmethod def _parse_achievements(char, rows): """ Parses the character's displayed achievements Parameters ---------- char: :class:`dict`[str,Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. rows: List[:class:`bs4.Tag`] A list of all rows contained in the table. """ achievements = [] for row in rows: cols = row.find_all('td') if len(cols) != 2: continue field, value = cols grade = str(field).count("achievement-grade-symbol") achievement = value.text.strip() achievements.append({ "grade": grade, "name": achievement }) char["achievements"] = achievements @staticmethod def _parse_character_information(char, rows): """ Parses the character's basic information. Parameters ---------- char: :class:`dict`[str,Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. rows: List[:class:`bs4.Tag`] A list of all rows contained in the table. """ int_rows = ["level", "achievement_points"] for row in rows: cols_raw = row.find_all('td') cols = [ele.text.strip() for ele in cols_raw] field, value = cols field = field.replace("\xa0", "_").replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "").lower() value = value.replace("\xa0", " ") # This is a special case cause we need to see the link if field == "house": house_text = value paid_until = house_link = cols_raw[1].find('a') url = urllib.parse.urlparse(house_link["href"]) query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(url.query) char["house"] = { "town": query["town"][0], "id": int(query["houseid"][0]), "name": house_link.text.strip(), "paid_until": paid_until } continue if field in int_rows: value = int(value) char[field] = value m = deleted_regexp.match(char["name"]) if m: char["name"] = char["deletion_date"] = else: char["deletion_date"] = None if "guild_membership" in char: m = guild_regexp.match(char["guild_membership"]) char["guild_membership"] = { 'rank':, 'guild': } else: char["guild_membership"] = None if "former_names" in char: former_names = [fn.strip() for fn in char["former_names"].split(",")] char["former_names"] = former_names else: char["former_names"] = [] if "married_to" not in char: char["married_to"] = None @staticmethod def _parse_deaths(char, rows): """ Parses the character's recent deaths Parameters ---------- char: :class:`dict`[str,Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. rows: List[:class:`bs4.Tag`] A list of all rows contained in the table. """ deaths = [] for row in rows: cols = row.find_all('td') death_time = cols[0].text.strip() death = str(cols[1]).replace("\xa0", " ") death_time = death_time.replace("\xa0", " ") death_info = if death_info: level = int("level")) killers_str ="killers") else: continue assists = [] # Check if the killers list contains assists assist_match = if assist_match: # Filter out assists killers_str ="killers") # Split assists into a list. assists = Character._split_list("assists")) killers = Character._split_list(killers_str) for (i, killer) in enumerate(killers): # If the killer contains a link, it is a player. if "href" in killer: killer_dict = {"name":, "player": True} else: killer_dict = {"name": killer, "player": False} # Check if it contains a summon. m = if m: killer_dict["summon"] ="summon") killers[i] = killer_dict for (i, assist) in enumerate(assists): # Extract names from character links in assists list. assists[i] = {"name":, "player": True} try: deaths.append({'time': death_time, 'level': level, 'killers': killers, 'assists': assists}) except ValueError: # Some pvp deaths have no level, so they are raising a ValueError, they will be ignored for now. continue char["deaths"] = deaths @staticmethod def _parse_other_characters(char, rows): """ Parses the character's other visible characters. Parameters ---------- char: :class:`dict`[str,Any] Dictionary where information will be stored. rows: List[:class:`bs4.Tag`] A list of all rows contained in the table. """ char["other_characters"] = [] for row in rows: cols_raw = row.find_all('td') cols = [ele.text.strip() for ele in cols_raw] if len(cols) != 5: continue _name, world, status, __, __ = cols _name = _name.replace("\xa0", " ").split(". ")[1] char["other_characters"].append( {'name': _name, 'world': world, 'online': status == "online", 'deleted': status == "deleted"}) @staticmethod def _parse_tables(parsed_content): """ Parses the information tables contained in a character's page. Parameters ---------- parsed_content: :class:`bs4.BeautifulSoup` A :class:`BeautifulSoup` object containing all the content. Returns ------- :class:`OrderedDict`[str, List[:class:`bs4.Tag`]] A dictionary containing all the table rows, with the table headers as keys. """ tables = parsed_content.find_all('table', attrs={"width": "100%"}) output = OrderedDict() for table in tables: title = table.find("td").text output[title] = table.find_all("tr")[1:] return output @staticmethod def _split_list(items, separator=",", last_separator=" and "): """ Splits a string listing elements into an actual list. Parameters ---------- items: :class:`str` A string listing elements. separator: :class:`str` The separator between each item. A comma by default. last_separator: :class:`str` The separator used for the last item. ' and ' by default. Returns ------- List[:class:`str`] A list containing each one of the items. """ if items is None: return None items = items.split(separator) last_item = items[-1] last_split = last_item.split(last_separator) if len(last_split) > 1: items[-1] = last_split[0] items.append(last_split[1]) return [e.strip() for e in items]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_url(name): """Gets the URl for a given character name. Parameters ------------ name: str The name of the character Returns -------- str The URL to the character's page""" return CHARACTER_URL + urllib.parse.quote(name.encode('iso-8859-1'))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_content(content) -> Optional['Character']: """Creates an instance of the class from the html content of the character's page. Parameters ----------- content: :class:`str` The HTML content of the page. Returns ---------- Optional[:class:`Character`] The character contained in the page, or None if the character doesn't exist. """ char_json = Character._parse(content) if not char_json: return None try: if char_json["deletion_date"]: char_json["deletion_date"] = parse_tibia_datetime(char_json["deletion_date"]) else: char_json["deletion_date"] = None # Some attributes require converting if "never" in char_json["last_login"]: char_json["last_login"] = None else: char_json["last_login"] = parse_tibia_datetime(char_json["last_login"]) deaths = [] for d in char_json["deaths"]: death = Death(**d) = char_json["name"] deaths.append(death) char_json["deaths"] = deaths other_characters = [] if char_json["other_characters"]: for o_char in char_json["other_characters"]: other_characters.append(OtherCharacter(**o_char)) char_json["other_characters"] = other_characters char = Character(**char_json) except KeyError as e: print(e) return None return char
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_to_json(content, indent=None): """Static method that creates a JSON string from the html content of the character's page. Parameters ------------- content: :class:`str` The HTML content of the page. indent: :class:`int` The number of spaces to indent the output with. Returns ------------ :class:`str` A string in JSON format. """ char_dict = Character._parse(content) return json.dumps(char_dict, indent=indent)
[docs]class Death: """ Represents a death by a character Attributes ----------- name: :class:`str` The name of the character this death belongs to. level: :class:`int` The level at which the death occurred. killers: List[:class:`Killer`] A list of all the killers involved. assists: List[:class:`Killer`] A list of characters that were involved, without dealing damage. time: :class:`datetime.datetime` The time at which the death occurred. """ __slots__ = ("level", "killers", "time", "assists", "name") def __init__(self, name=None, level=0, **kwargs): = name self.level = level self.killers = kwargs.get("killers", []) if self.killers and isinstance(self.killers[0], dict): self.killers = [Killer(**k) for k in self.killers] self.assists = kwargs.get("assists", []) if self.assists and isinstance(self.assists[0], dict): self.assists = [Killer(**k) for k in self.assists] time = kwargs.get("time") if isinstance(time, datetime.datetime): self.time = time elif isinstance(time, str): self.time = parse_tibia_datetime(time) else: self.time = None def __repr__(self): attributes = "" for attr in self.__slots__: if attr in ["name", "level"]: continue v = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(v, int) and v == 0 and not isinstance(v, bool): continue if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 0: continue if v is None: continue attributes += ",%s=%r" % (attr, v) return "{0.__class__.__name__}({!r},{0.level!r}{1})".format(self, attributes) @property def killer(self): """Optional[:class:`Killer`]: The first killer in the list. This is usually the killer that gave the killing blow.""" return self.killers[0] if self.killers else None @property def by_player(self): """:class:`bool`: Whether the kill involves other characters.""" return any([k.player and != for k in self.killers])
[docs]class Killer: """ Represents a killer. A killer can be: a) Another character. b) A creature. c) A creature summoned by a character. Attributes ----------- name: :class:`str` The name of the killer. player: :class:`bool` Whether the killer is a player or not. summon: Optional[:class:`str`] The name of the summoned creature, if applicable. """ __slots__ = ("name", "player", "summon") def __init__(self, name=None, player=False, summon=None): = name self.player = player self.summon = summon def __repr__(self): attributes = "" for attr in self.__slots__: if attr in ["name"]: continue v = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(v, int) and v == 0 and not isinstance(v, bool): continue if isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 0: continue if v is None: continue attributes += ",%s=%r" % (attr, v) return "{0.__class__.__name__}({!r}{1})".format(self, attributes) @property def url(self): """ Optional[:class:`str`]: The URL of the character’s information page on, if applicable. """ return Character.get_url( if self.player else None
[docs]class OtherCharacter(abc.Character): """ Represents other character's displayed in the Character's information page. Attributes ---------- name: :class:`str` The name of the character. world: :class:`str` The name of the world. online: :class:`bool` Whether the character is online or not. deleted: :class:`bool` Whether the character is scheduled for deletion or not. """ __slots__ = ("world", "online", "deleted") def __init__(self, name=None, world=None, online = False, deleted = False): = name = world = online self.deleted = deleted